Restorative hair straightening

Restorative hair straightening

Restorative straightening is a nickname for hair straightening products that contain keratin. In addition to keratin, restorative formulas also contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair health. Restorative smoothing treats damaged hair or hair that has been damaged by previous chemical treatments and gives it natural beauty, shine and vitality. Unlike chemical straightening treatments that use a formula that penetrates the inner part (or cortex) of the hair and changes the molecular structure so that the hair can be reshaped, hair restoration treatments that include keratin do not penetrate the cortex, but wrap and fill the outer layer of hair, giving it a full look and healthy.

How to perform restorative hair straightening

Restorative straightening can be performed at a hair salon by a professional hair stylist or independently at home. When performing a restorative straightening at the hairdresser, the hair stylist adjusts the straightening formula and the length of stay according to the hair type. However, restorative straightening treatments can also be performed at home (preferably not performed without prior knowledge). The process is quite simple and somewhat similar to home hair coloring - after overlapping and drying the hair, apply the straightening formula, rinse the hair thoroughly with water only and dry it while straightening it with a hair straightener.

Instructions for maintaining restorative smoothing

  • In order to maintain the restorative smoothness over time, the hair should be washed with salt-free shampoo.
  • Also, avoid going to the sea because the salt breaks down the layer of keratin that forms on the hair after straightening, and actually acts as a negative neutralizer for the smoothing action.
  • It is not advisable to pick up the hair or use the face frequently.
  • It is recommended to use care products that are adapted to the type of straightened hair that contain keratin.
  • Unlike chemical smoothies, the keratin formula is washed off with water, and must be renewed every few months.

How does keratin restore hair?

Keratin is a type of protein that is made up of amino acids and makes up most of the hair structure, which consists of an outer and scaly part that gives the hair its shine, and the core of the hair that is fed through the root follicle. It is the main raw material of hair and nails, some of it is produced in the body and some is obtained through food intake. Keratin makes it possible to increase muscle mass in a short time through the production of proteins in muscle fibers and is sometimes consumed as a food supplement, but this can have side effects.

Currently the best way that keratin helps to restore hair is a restorative straightening, which is mainly intended for hair that cannot be subjected to other chemical straightening after a treatment has been performed that has damaged the hair structure. This type of straightening allows you to 'repair' previous treatments that have caused hair damage. Restorative straightening makes it possible to bring back to life hair that has undergone chemical treatments such as permanent straightening, curling or coloring and damaged hair. The mode of action of the formula is through the composition of the protein in the product with the natural keratin in her hair. As a result, a new layer of keratin is formed that envelops the hair.

Restorative straightening treatments are recommended after chemical treatments that have damaged the hair structure - since the substance does not penetrate the hair cortex, it does not damage it. Keratin combines only with the outer layer of the hair and gives it a smooth, shiny and full look.

It is important to know about restorative straightening

Restorative products have different names, but they all contain keratin that restores the hair. It is important to check that the product that will be used on the hair and that is presented as a restorative smoothing does not contain formaldehyde (formalin). It is a preservative with a characteristic odor that, while performing a kind of smoothing action by penetrating the cortex, it causes serious damage to health. The Ministry of Health prohibits the use of formalin in skating products in excess of 0.2%, and it is recommended to check whether the Ministry of Health approves the wrapper.

How to know if hair needs restorative straightening

Even in cases where the hair looks dry and thinning after chemical straightening treatments, restorative straightening is not always a recommended. Each case on its own, and there are cases where it is not recommended to use this type of straightening. It is important to adjust the formula to the type and thickness of hair, its condition and the chemical process it has undergone.


There are several ways to check if restorative straightening is needed. In any case, it is important to consult your hair stylist or product provider before use:

  • Hairdressing test: Before straightening, the hair stylist restores it to check that the product fits the hair structure.
  • Test at home: Some preparations can be used at home. Carefully read the instructions for use of the specific preparation, which may be different from the instructions for use of other restorative skating preparations. For those who suffer from allergies, it is recommended to make sure that the product does not contain components that trigger the sensitivity. In addition, a test can be performed on a group of hidden hairs to check how the hair reacts.


Does restorative straightening better than other hair straightenings

Restorative smoothing is the ultimate treatment for hair damaged by chemical treatments. In addition, keratin is used in various types of straightening as a restorative element that allows to strengthen the hair. It is important to make sure that the restorative formula does contain keratin that protects the hair and not similar substances in their action, which are harmful and forbidden to use.

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