Japanese hair straightening

Japanese hair


Japanese straightening is one of the most well-known and coveted hair straightening in the world. Women with curly, faded and difficult-to-style hair dream of silky smooth, shiny and pleasant to the touch hair.

Many people think that the well-known Japanese straightening in the hair styling market is the first ever invented which caused this flattering mistake, is the fact that the Japanese straightening of 'Japanese straightening' is the first in the world whose formula includes ingredients for nourishing and preserving hair in the straightening process. Until the development of the Japanese straightening formula, there were old American straighteners that contained substances that were harmful to the hair and scalp! The only ones whose hair can withstand the intensity of these substances are women with curly and hard hair.

Although the Japanese straightening formula has been patented in the name of 'Japanese straightening', other companies around the world have also developed hair straightening products. Although the new straighteners that have joined the market are based on the Japanese straightening principle of 'Japanese straightening' (adding nourishing and nourishing components to the straightening formula), Japanese hair straightening remains unparalleled straightening, and is preferable to other hair straightening.

Types of Japanese

hair straightening

Japanese straightening was originally intended for women with healthy and curly hair, who have not undergone any chemical straightening of any kind. Note that not every skate is considered a chemical skate! There are relatively regular skates that after treatment a Japanese skate can be performed.

Over the past decade, Japanese straightening has opened up a number of straightening series, with the difference between series being expressed in the length of time the material is left on the hair; Or, in other words - each series is suitable for a different type of hair, for example for thick hair the substance should be left on the hair longer than the preparations intended for thin and fine hair. Please note that you read the instructions for use carefully and follow them accurately.

A basic Japanese straightening kit includes a hair straightener and neutralizing lotion; There are other preparations that should be used before, during and after performing a Japanese skate. For example, a product without which the hair can be severely damaged during straightening, is a product that protects the hair from heat for use before treatment.


The benefits

of Japanese


Length of straightening - Unlike various organic straightening, such as Brazilian or French, which keep the hair smooth for about 3 months, Japanese straightening with the Japanese straightening method slightly changes the structure of the hair and therefore produces permanent results.

Does not contain formaldehyde - The Japanese straightening formula of Japanese straightening does not contain formaldehyde, which is present in many of the hair straightening products available on the market today.

* Formaldehyde is a substance known as a carcinogen, and beyond that, can cause other health problems such as damage to scalp health, etc.

Suitable for different hair types - to the surprise of many, Japanese straightening is suitable for all hair types and any desired length (starting from about 5 cm in length). Will edit the best product for him.

Hair coloring - Unlike other Japanese straightening, after using a Japanese straightening, you can dye your hair, but it is recommended to wait two weeks.

Globalism - The most important advantage of all: the Japanese straightening formulas of 'Japanese straightening' are inexperienced on animals!


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