Mineral hair straightening

Mineral hair straightening

"Mineral hair straightening is just a marketing slogan"

You must be confused by most of the different types of hair straightening.

Here you can finally understand everything about the hair straightening industry.

It is now known that every third woman does hair straightening, and marketers and straightening manufacturers are taking advantage of this situation.

So, how does it work ?

There are a total of three types of hair straightening, and they have countless names because every hair product marketer wants to brand his products, Which causes a lot of low quality hair straighteners to come out of the market.

What are the three types of hair straightening in the world?

1. Chemical straightening - is called "Japanese straightening" and is also called French straightening and more some various names are known in the global hair market

2 . Formalin hair straightening - called by many different names, the most common name "Brazilian hair straightening" known all over the world

3. Hair straightening without formalin - also called "organic straightening", "natural straightening", "Indian straightening", "mineral straightening", "keratin straightening" and more


So how do you actually choose a hair straightening?

Our recommendation is to check carefully  at "Dr. GOOGLE", what suits you personally, what opinions have hair straightening offered to you and of course not to believe everything that is written in the forums because in most cases it does not reflect the product itself but a trend of competitors against each other. The ways to get a good product on the net is a rigorous hair straightening test that has the most searches on Google or YouTube.

Is it possible to do mineral hair straightening at home?

The answer is yes, it can be done alone at home, and there are no risks at all.

The answer is very clear! Mineral hair straightening is exactly the same as organic hair straightening or in its other name - natural hair straightening. This type of straightening does not cause damage to the hair even if you do not do the straightening correctly. There are also precise instructions on the packaging on how to do the hair straightening independently so that very good results can be achieved.

Professional hair straightening is done at home like hair dyeing at home and the results are exactly the same because the material marketed to the hairdresser is the same standard material for straightening hair at home.

Pay attention! Choose the right hair straightening product before you buy, check how much it is known at market and whether it is approved by the Ministry of Health

What is the benefit of straightening hair at home?

First advantage, product quality! You choose the product for straightening hair and what materials to be careful of so as not to damage your hair.

Also in terms of costs, the average price for straightening hair at home ranges from NIS 80 to NIS 200, depending on the length and volume of your hair.

Another advantage, availability! You choose when it is convenient for you to do the hair straightening for yourself and not limited to your hair stylist's schedule.


Instructions for use for mineral hair straightening:

Please note, every hair straightening has its own manufacturer's instructions.

  1. Step one - wash your hair with shampoo only (you can wash with dish soap !! Do not panic, the reason is simple - dish soap removes grease and is enriched with sodium for optimal cleaning.
  2. Step Two - Dry your hair up to 100% with a hot hair dryer
  3. Step Three - Apply a generous amount of hair straightener without combing (like applying hair dye)
  4. Fourth step - wait an hour and / or according to the manufacturer's instructions (hair can be wrapped in plastic)
  5. Fifth step - rinse lightly with water (do not completely remove all the material)
  6. Step Six - Dry with a hot hair dryer up to 100% your hair until the hair is completely dry and then go through a hair straightener thoroughly
  7. After a few hours you can wash your hair.

It is important to note that formalin-free straightening changes the color of the hair and lightens it between one tone and four tones of lightness.

This way you will know the level of acidity of the hair straightening, the less acidity there is, the higher quality it is considered.


Feel comfortable calling:

+972-54-7602034  Noam Debi


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